Monday, January 24, 2011


This week was a little different. The whole family caught the flu, not fun!! But I think we are at the end of it. I am hoping and crossing my fingers and toes. But I do have to thank my husband. Sometimes husbands fall short, but if you are sick you definitely want a husband like mine. He doesn't mind cleaning up after you or letting you sleep and I needed that!! Thanks Callan. We will try not to get sick for a whole year!!

Ok so my cute son. He started wearing a pair of tennis shoes that he got from his cousin Austin. They are blue, look like they have shocks on them, and a zipper instead of shoe laces. He always makes a car sound when he sees them. We think it means they are fast. When he puts them on, even over his sleeper, his has to run laps around the living room. He is very cute. He has also started this new thing, that when he gets upset he starts running backwards.It is very funny to watch. He will just keep going backwards until he runs into something or forgets he is mad. We sometimes just have to laugh at him.

This week we learned that Liam knows how to match. It was very exciting as a mother to show him a shape and watch him point to the same shape on a different card. My little smarty pants. I am hoping he will start talking soon. I mean he has the important words down: Chocolate, Cookie, Cracker, Juice, Hotdog, Mama, and Dada. Oh I can't forget Car.

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