Monday, January 24, 2011


This week was a little different. The whole family caught the flu, not fun!! But I think we are at the end of it. I am hoping and crossing my fingers and toes. But I do have to thank my husband. Sometimes husbands fall short, but if you are sick you definitely want a husband like mine. He doesn't mind cleaning up after you or letting you sleep and I needed that!! Thanks Callan. We will try not to get sick for a whole year!!

Ok so my cute son. He started wearing a pair of tennis shoes that he got from his cousin Austin. They are blue, look like they have shocks on them, and a zipper instead of shoe laces. He always makes a car sound when he sees them. We think it means they are fast. When he puts them on, even over his sleeper, his has to run laps around the living room. He is very cute. He has also started this new thing, that when he gets upset he starts running backwards.It is very funny to watch. He will just keep going backwards until he runs into something or forgets he is mad. We sometimes just have to laugh at him.

This week we learned that Liam knows how to match. It was very exciting as a mother to show him a shape and watch him point to the same shape on a different card. My little smarty pants. I am hoping he will start talking soon. I mean he has the important words down: Chocolate, Cookie, Cracker, Juice, Hotdog, Mama, and Dada. Oh I can't forget Car.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


So this is the first week that i cut my sons hair. This isn't his first haircut, but my first time cutting it. As you can see no pictures of it. actually i did a pretty good job I think. I need to add a picture sometime this week.

So this blog will probably be mostly of Liam, but really what else do I have to talk about!! He loves watching Blue's Clue. He does his little hands letting me know he wants to watch it. And every time he sees a clue he yells out a clue, or a word that I know means clue. It is the cutest.

So I have a funny story to tell, but I don't want to embarrasses anyone so I can't mention names.  My son was taking a shower with his daddy. I went to go get him after the shower to dry him off.  My son kept making the elephant noise as he was watching his daddy dry off. We finally realized that he was making the noise because he saw a certain part on my husband that reminded him of an elephant. Then he took off his towel and pointed to a part that looks similar to his daddy's and made the sound of an elephant and lifted his hand like a trunk. After he did this he laughed like: hahaha. We think it is because no offense his look more like a button right now and not an elephant.  Later that day, when I was changing his diaper he proceeded to do the elephant again. I know, I love having a little boy. And don't worry no pictures of that either.
I hope my husband loves me after that.
I wish I was with Ryan right now because I know he is laughing.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Boys are Made of...

So I have a little boy. he is all boy. I looked over at my window seal and there were little cars all lined up ready to go to work. Everything he touches turns into a car. The other day he was coloring with crayons. To me it looked like a scribble, but to him it was an elephant. He pointed to the picture and made the elephant noise and raised his arm like a trunk. What a cute little artist.  I love how my little boy passes gas and laughs like it is hilarious. They learn it so young.

Alaska is getting cold again. We were enjoying our heat wave, but now it is back to -17. Just so everyone knows Laie, HI is 76 today.

So I haven't decided really what this blog is going to be. Just probably my crazy life. But i would love if someone could tell me how to add pictures so i can add them to my crazy life stories.

We just found out we can buy tickets for Texas for March!! yeah!! now if  I can find a dog sitter... hmm...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jan 2 2011

I am an army wife, my husband will be deploying this year. I want to be able to let everyone know how he is doing. I also want family and friends to know everything Liam is doing. It is hard to keep in touch way up here in Fairbanks, Alaska,. So I am hoping this will help. So my first official post. Kind of scary. First of all shout out to my bestest friend Kara for telling me it is time to blog.  Neat fact it was only 32 degrees today, yes that might be cold for most, but we are use to -32. However we only had two hours of church today because the heaters were not on. I have to tell you I love my husband for all he does and the sacrifices he makes. Wow I chose the right guy!! Liam, is so cute and growing fast he is learning new words all the time. He love cars. I mean loves them. it is sooo cute!! I will check in at least once a week. Love to you all.